30 Days of Thoughtfulness Cards | Day 21

Just breathe and take one step at a time.
Day 21. Breathe. I feel like I am telling myself to step back and breathe quite a bit these days. Between life, health issues, family time and work there just aren’t enough hours to absorb it all. Breathing and taking it a step at a time.
All of these posts will be 3×4 pocket cards that you are free to right-click and download to use in your personal journaling projects and I hope that they help you to reflect on thoughtfulness and this month where a practice of gratitude is even more special.
You can see some of the previous cards I’ve done in my SHOP and available as printable PDFs and JPEG cards as well. These will likely make their way into the shop as well!
It’s Thanksgiving week here in the states, more family time, time in the kitchen and unplugged time coming and looking forward to it!
Wishing you a good start to your week, just breathe!
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