Katie pertiet December Daily

Holy Heck what a month!

I had ever intention of blogging regularly throughout the month but between keeping all the aspects of the business in check and living life, time just ran out! BUT I did manage to document the month even if it was very simply. I know some years my books are more full than others, but completing the project regardless of how full is a reminder that all the days, all the Decembers throughout all the years are worth documenting!

I kept my book very simple using the December Countdown Templates along with the Country Christmas No.2 Solids Paper Pack. The templates have most everything you need to complete a book, simply. And it’s never too late to go back through your phone and your photos and document your December too! You’ll be so glad you did!

Katie Pertiet December Daily Templates

I’m looking forward to adding to this stack!

Katie Pertiet December Daily

And making my plans for the new year and hoping to be posting here more regularly too!