Katie Pertiet Bird Painting


Day 9 of #the100dayproject

I’ve moved on to some birds. Birds are by far my weakest category of the three in this challenge.
So my hope is that by not avoiding them I’ll get better at working with them!

In case you’re just joining me, I’m joining in Victoria Johnson’s subchallenge. She’s a fellow licensing artist and is doing 100 days of birds, butterflies and botanicals. That’s my jam, can’t imagine doing much else and have a packed schedule so it’s not the time for me to be doing anything too crazy but I will be exploring different media and styles. I need to keep things calm, simple and happy. She is encouraging just a simple image, nothing polished.

Day Nine is done and I’m looking forward to exploring more #birdsbutterfliesandblooms

I invite you to follow along and we’ll see if I can complete the 100 days this year! I’ll be posting here as well as on my instagram!